Saturday, December 24, 2022

So Much For Promises

Nobody is reading any of this, but if you HAD read my previous post FROM FOUR AND A HALF YEARS AGO you would see that I promised my next post would not be about how I haven't written. 

Uh huh.

Still driving a truck. Finally bought a school bus. I've got an Instagram account for it, @walkingturtlehermitage. Other things going on that I don't care to elaborate on at present, but might in the future.

Instagram and Facebook are not great platforms for essays. IG is really about showing stuff, right? And FB is, well, FB. I have a LOT of time to think about things, especially responses to stuff people say on the other platforms, as well as the various wild ideas I have knocking about in my brain. I need to write this stuff out. I am really, really going to try to do that here, and then put links to THIS page on those platforms.

Who knows? Maybe I'll even get the next thing written before another few years passes by! 

And maybe, JUST MAYBE, someone else will read some of it. Hey, it could happen!