Friday, March 12, 2010

The Quotable Thumper

"If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say nothin' at all." I guess, since my career life is all doom and gloom, and it seriously affects the rest of my life, I have been living on that premise. At least subconsciously. I think laziness fits in there, too, as far as writing here on the blog goes. I've said a number of times lately that the old saying is true, "If you need something done, give it to the busiest person." I see now that the truth is that busy people have a momentum going, so they can achieve even more if pressed. Nonbusy people, on the other hand, don't have that momentum. Whether momentum is caused by their activities, or they pick up activities because of their momentum is a chicken-and-egg argument. My main point is that I experience this to be true in my case; I can't seem to get much done, and I blame being unemployed.

Now, fortunately, I am changing gears a bit. I am enrolled in the Lifton Institute for Media Studies, a new film institute based in Allen Park. I intend to study Production Management. It seems to be a logical path for me, having studied operations management and project management recently. Basically, I see it as the completion of my education in a few months' time, and connections to get into a real career. Given the past many months, this is a wonderful bright spot. Forward!

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