Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Want Work!

So, it was wonderful while it was actually happening. The three short films are done and have shown in their initial screenings. The class feature has a cool trailer, and looks to be finished and released sooner or later. The other feature is slogging through pick up days, hopefully to be finished next month. BUT NOTHING ELSE.

What's a guy to do in order to support the fam? I need work that pays. Job, films, this studio we are trying to start, whatever. INCOME.

Whining. I hate that too.

Thanksgiving is a week away. I am thankful for many things, including generally good health, especially for an old man. (I still look mid-30's, and Brain Age confirms that, too.) I have good people around me. I have skills I love to use. I have some cool new toys to play with! (Friend bought me a train set! Wife wants me to install a shelf train in the DINING ROOM! Traded the silly PSP for a DSi XL!) I have children I'm proud of. I love my wife (and not just because of the train deal...)

Nevertheless, at least for me, whenever I think about my blessings, I often tend to think about how I have neglected some of those blessings. I have writing skills that I just am not using, except very sporadically. I love to write; I have little self-motivation. I feel I switch directions too easily (go easy on that point, peanut gallery!).

I am confident something is going to happen soon, mostly because it SIMPLY HAS TO. Let's see what it is!

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